Glencoe, Illinois, is a idyllic and tranquil suburban village located within Cook County, nestled along the shores of Lake Michigan. Known for its charming, picturesque landscapes, Glencoe is characterized by its coalescence of lush natural beauty, quaint boutiques, and grand residential architecture. Beyond its scenic allure, it houses the renowned Chicago Botanic Garden, an expansive 385-acre living plant museum attracting visitors from around the globe. Committed to the arts, Glencoe is home to Writers Theatre, respected for its exceptional artistic quality and intimate storytelling. An inviting blend of small-town charm and cosmopolitan amenities, Glencoe provides a balanced, high-quality lifestyle, making it a desirable destination to visit and an even better place to call home.
Gravity Autos Chicago is Glencoe's destination for used cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 2772 Skokie Valley Rd, Highland Park, IL 60035.